Chapter Two - Rising

Legacy rises three mornings after her first raid, two mornings after her second and the next morning after her third.

Each one was a success as Legacy was easily able to subdue the unprepared gang members within her target building and destroyed any drugs she was able to find before escaping into the night.

As for resources, Legacy has collected quite a lot. By a lot, she means tens of thousands of dollars, over twenty ammo magazines, two spare pistols, an SMG (Scott called an Uzi) and more than enough parts to satisfy Legacy for the last few days.

So far she has avoided getting hurt and managed to get the drop on all three hideouts. But now Scott says she has to be prepared for them to start being ready and on the lookout for her.

He is also planning to get her better armour and supplies using the vast sum of money that Legacy has been able to acquire. With a total over seventy thousand dollars, they can afford a lot.

At the moment Scot is hoping to get better armour for her ‘costume’ as he calls Legacy’s current armour. It doesn’t feel like a costume to Legacy from what she has read about them on the internet.

But if I’m one of these superheroes Scott has mentioned, then I supposed my armour is a costume of sorts.

“Awake Legacy?” inquires Scott.

As usual, the one-armed man is already up before Legacy.

“Yes,” replies Legacy, “Are we getting more supplies today?”

“I’m going to try and get some good stuff since we got money to burn,” answers Scott.

“Are really going to do that?” asks Legacy, “Burn money that is.”

“No Legacy,” Scott explains, “I don’t literally mean burning money, it’s just a figure of speech. Actually burning money is a crime.”

“And those are bad,” says Legacy, “But only some are evil.”

“Correct,” says Scott, “Let’s go. Put on some shoes and your hoodie. Grab a bag too.”

Legacy quickly gets changed. She is still wearing the trousers and shirt from her ‘costume’ and she only needs to put her socks and shoes on. Plus a new purple hoodie that Scott brought back from one of his shopping trips.

“Good,” says Scott once she’s finished, “You don’t want to stand out to much. I’m going to take you into a shop today. I hope you’ll be able to fit in.”

Scott pauses in thought for a moment.

“Oh @#£&,” curses Scott, “I just remember what exactly you’re calling yourself. You can’t call yourself Legacy Guardian in public if you want to blend it. Far too much unwanted attention. Want to pick another name?”

Most certainly not! I am the Legacy of the Guardian.

“No,” replies Legacy firmly, “That is who I am.”

“A nickname then,” says Scott, “A shorten version of one of your names.”

He’s silent for several seconds and Legacy leaves him to think.

I don’t like to disturb Scott when he’s thinking. He doesn’t mind, but it’s just counterproductive unless I have an important reason to interrupt him.

“Legs,” says Scott suddenly, “That’s your nickname. For Legacy. And nothing that will stand out. People will just assume its nickname with a story behind it rather than a shorten version of your name.”

“Okay Scott,” replies Legacy, “I shall use the name Legs amongst the public just as I use the name Guardian when in my... costume is it.”

“Yup,” says Scott, “Now let’s go unless there’s something else we need to sort out.”

“What weapons are we taking with us?” inquires Legacy.

“None today Legacy,” answers Scott, “We don’t need to worry about protecting ourselves today and having them on us will draw more attention that we don’t want. Plus we’ll get in trouble as none of weapons are legal.”

“So no weapons,” says Legacy before something else occurs to her, “Wait, are these weapons we have illegal then? Crimes?”

“Pretty much,” says Scott with a shrug.

“But aren’t crimes bad?” mutters Legacy, “Is having these weapons a bad thing?”

Scott sighs before replying to the confused girl.

“Look Legacy,” explains the old man in a kindly tone, “Most people would say that by having these weapons, we’re doing bad things. But as long as you’re not doing any bad things with them, you don’t need to worry about doing bad things by having them. Better you have them for the purpose for fight evil and the gangs have them to terrorise the local people.”

That is a relief. I was worried for a moment I was doing something wrong. Which would have been a shame because I like my weapons. Creating them, upgrading them and refining them as I discover new things about them in battle. They have served me well. I would really hate to have to get rid of them. Especially when my foes have all have weapons of their own.

“I get it Scott,” replies Legacy, “Shall we go now?”

“Yeah, let’s go before anything else bogs us down,” agrees Scott.

Legacy looks around as she follows Scott about. He has got about half of their money with him plus a couple of bags slung over his remaining arm. Legacy also has a bag that Scott tossed her as they left the basement.

I can’t help, but wonder what these shops will be like. I can remember ever going shopping before.

“What is it like?” Legacy decides to ask.

“What is what like?” counter-asks Scott.

“Shopping,” explains Legacy, “I haven’t done it before. Or at least I don’t remember if I have.”

To Legacy’s surprise, Scott laughs. She ignores it, patiently waiting for an answer to her question.

“Sorry Legs,” replies Scott once he is finished laughing, “But it’s common knowledge that shopping is a favourite pastime of teenage girls such as yourself. Well, maybe not you, but then you’re… special.”

“Any reason that those of my age and gender enjoy this particular activity?” inquires Legacy.

“None that I know of,” says Scott.

“Oh,” mutters Legacy before remembering something, “You never answered my original question.”

“Oh right,” says Scott before actually answering the question, “Shopping is where we go and use money to buy goods and products. The money we paid with has to be equal to price of the products that we-”

“I know that Scott,” Legacy cuts him off, “I was wondering what the experience is like.”

“Hmm,” mumbles Scott as he thinks, “I guess it varies from trip to trip. Today it won’t be crowded due to the earliness of the day. I want to go to a local gun store. It’s a family-run business and I know the owner. He won’t do anything illegal, but he trusts me enough not to ask any unwanted questions about where we got our money and what we’re going do with what we buy. I want to get you some proper combat gear. Better than the low grade stuff you been using. I also want it to be personalised to fit you so we’ll need your measurements.”

“Will that take long?” asks Legacy.

“No,” says Scott, “Matt won’t take long with it. He might get his daughter to help, but she might ask some of those unwanted questions. If you’re not sure what to say, stay quiet. Do not talk about anything related to the Guardian or anything that might help her connect you to the Guardian. That applies to other people as well.”

“I understand,” says Legacy, “But can I ask why I need to keep myself secret?”

“Yourself sec-, oh yeah,” replies Scott, “Forgot you think of yourself as. But to answer your question, the longer you keep your identities separate, the more you can safety interact with public. And at the moment, you get more out of having a secret identity than you do having a public one.”

“That makes sense,” agrees Legacy.

“Quiet now Legs,” says Scott as they reach the edge of the Battle-Zone, the term for the area left destroyed by the battle between Blastout and Washdown., “We going to start encountering people now.”

“There are people in the Battle-Zone,” points Legacy.

“But those people aren’t interested in folks like you or me,” says Scott, “People in the rest of the city are more likely to listen in on our conversation so we can’t talk about the secret stuff.”

“I get it,” says Legacy, “How far until the shop?”

“Not too far,” replies Scott, “Only about twenty minute walk. We shouldn’t meet too many people. Not many folks get up at dawn like we do. Matt’s only opening this early as a favour to me.”

As Scott predicted, they barely encounter anyone under rising sun. As the inner city is a stark contrast to the Battle-Zone with all of its building intact and paths and streets clear of debris and rubbish.

The lack of destruction is slightly unnerving to Legacy. For as long as she can remember, which admittedly is less than two weeks, Legacy has been lived and travelled amongst the ruins of the Battle-Zone. The consistent reminder of the battle has been a constant in her life, just like her powers.

It’s weird and strange in this part of the city. I don’t scare easily, but fighting gangsters, getting shot at and having people trying to kill me is normal for me. But even then, I always had a weapon of my own creation at disposal. To be out here in the unknown with no way to defend myself is terrifying.

Legacy instinctively reaches out with her power. Over the last few days, Legacy has been able to sense and feel all advanced technology in a few metres. The more advanced the techology, the easier it is for Legacy to interact with it.

Legacy can feel the unmoving metal contraptions as the pair of them passes them. Cars are what Scott calls them. She can also sense phones on the people passing them. It seems everybody has at least one of those devices on them with the exception of Scott, Legacy and the other homeless.

Legacy relaxes as she realises how safe she is with access to so much technology if they were attacked. She could easily defend herself and Scott if someone would be so foolish as to actually attack them.

It doesn’t take long for them to reach the gun store. Scott leads Legacy round behind it before knocking on the backdoor.

It is a moment before they hear someone on the other side of the door.

“Who’s there?” demands a man from behind the door.

“Don’t worry old friend,” replies Scott, “It’s just me, Mason.”

“Mason!” exclaims the man, “I know you said you would be arriving early, but I didn’t expect to show this early. Lucky for you I decided since I would be early, I might as well be here as early as I could. I’ll open the door in just a second.”

“Thanks Matt,” replies Scott, “I appreciate the favour you’re doing us.”

“It’s no problem mate,” says the man, who must be Scott’s friend Matt, as he opens the door, “I trust you not to do anything illegal.”

“You’re better off trusting me not to do anything wrong or amoral,” Scott disagrees, “You’re far less likely to be disappointed that way.”

“You aren’t doing anything I should be worried about, are you?” inquires Matt.

“Not at all, just technically illegal,” Scott reassures him, “May we come inside now?”

“Sure,” says Matt and he steps out of the way.

Scott marches into the building and Legacy follows him inside. They enter a room full of boxes. Within seconds of entering the building, Legacy is closest enough to sense some of the computers, cash registers, security cameras and other electronics within the store.

In fact, I’m able to sense the entire store computer network. Not that I’m sure that I can do anything with it other than make things explode and electrocute people.

“So who is this?” Matt asks Scott, indicating Legacy.

“This is Legs,” answers Scott, “The girl whom I’m helping and is staying with me. And the person who I want to get custom armour for.”

“No weapons,” inquires Matt.

“No,” says Scott firmly as a smile tugs at the edge of mouth, “Weapons are not a concern.”

“And yet armour is,” muses Matt as he glances at Legacy, “You got money?”

“Yeah,” replies Scott as he pulls out a wad of cash as he calls it, “Also not a concern.”

Matt is silent as he looks from Scott to Legacy and then back to Scott.

“Scott, mate,” says Matt, “Is the girl a super?”

“Why do you ask?” replies Scott, surprised.

“Because you’re got this girl with you,” replies Matt, “You’re buying armour, but you’re not worried about weaponry. You suddenly have a large amount of money and I know as sure as hell you’re not going to have anything to do with drugs with your past. This is a complete change from when I last saw you yesterday. So the idea of Legs being a super is the most likely explanation.”

To Legacy’s surprise, Scott laughs.

“Legs, close the door please,” Scott says to her before speaking Matt, “Yeah, Legs here is a super.”

“What sort of super?” inquires Matt as Legacy closes the back door, “Judging by the fact she needs armour, it’s not something that protects her. And since you don’t need weapons, it has to be superstrength or some kind of elemental powers. Perhaps energy blasts like Blastout maybe?”

“Technopathy,” Legacy declares proudly, “I have technopathy. I can create mechanical devices and make electronic stuff explode if I want.”

Why not tell him what I can do? I’m proud of my abilities. Besides, he’s already figured out I have a power and Scott trusts him.

Matt is silent as he observes Legacy, making her slight uncomfortable at being the centre of attention.

“You’re not going to start making my computers explode are you?” asks Matt nervously.

“No,” answers Legacy, “I’m not going to do that. Not even on accident as I have full control over my powers.”

“Good,” says Matt, “Now, let’s get onto business.  What sort of armour do you want?”

“Some lightweight and mobile, but good protect against both sidearms and stabbing attacks,” replies Scott, “I don’t want Legs slowed down. Mobility will be one of her best assets. I don’t expect to be protected against the higher calibre rounds, but handguns and stabbing attacks will be one of her most common dangers that we can do something about so those are a priority.”

“I understand,” says Matt, “Okay Legs, let’s get your measurements. Follow me.”

Matt walks into another room and Legacy follows him with Scott following her. Once in the second room, Matt has Legacy stand in the middle of it. He then begins to stare using a tape measure and a notepad to measure Legacy and recording them down.

As she stands that, Legacy focuses on her power. With moments, the image from one of the security cameras fills her vision. Legacy observes the empty store before using her power to find the next camera in the network and switch to that.

Soon Legacy is going through all of the security cameras.

It’s pretty amusing and interesting to watch myself standing there using one of the cameras in this room.

Once she gone through all of the security cameras, Legacy starts shifting through the files on the computer network.

Just boring stuff such as stock and finances. Ooo, I know, I’ll use the cameras to find out my measurements that Matt has doted down and enter them into the computer.

Legacy opens a Microsoft word document on one of the computers that she has turned on before using the cameras to observe the numbers on Matt’s notepad. She then types in the information into the document.

Just as Matt finishes taking Legacy’s measurements, Legacy enters them into the computer before switching back to one of the cameras in the room.

It’s amusing hearing Scott trying to get my attention when I can hear and see them via the cameras. Better stop using my power.

“You okay Legs?” she hears Scott asking her as Legacy lefts the networks.

“Yes Scott,” replies Legacy as Matt leaves the room, “Just trying out a new aspect of my power.”

“What new aspect?” inquires Scott.

“When I focus, I can enter electronic devices and control them,” explains Legacy.

“And what exactly were you doing?” demands Scott.

“Hey!” they hear Matt exclaim from a different room, “Somebody has already entered the measurements into the computer!”

Legacy smirks.


“So you can control computers with your mind now?” inquires Scott as they leave Matt’s shop, using the back door again.

“Only if I focus on it,” explains Legacy, “It becomes easier to use my powers depending on how advanced the machinery is. And I can only focus on one device at the moment.”

“At the moment?” Scott inquires further.

“A week ago I couldn’t even begin to do what I did today,” says Legacy, “It seems to me that my power is slowly become stronger.”

A sense of agreement from the voice at the back of my head. That means that I’m probably on the right line of logic on this matter.

“That is interesting,” mutters Scott before moving onto a different topic, “Not many shops are open yet. Still got a few hours ‘til then. Let’s go to a diner for breakfast.”

“What’s a diner?” asks Legacy.

“A place where people buy cooked food to eat,” explains Scott, “It’s about breakfast time so there should be at least one open. How does bacon and eggs sound to you?”

“I don’t know,” replies Legacy, “I don’t remember ever trying it.”

“Hmm,” says Scott, “Let me guess, you never had pancakes before either?”

Legacy shakes her head.

I wish I could remember these things. It’s annoying that Scott knows all these things when all I can say is that I don’t remember.

Scott leads Legacy to one of the diners he spoke of. There aren’t many people are in it at the moment. 

Once they’ve found themselves a pair of seats, Scott orders both of them a plate of bacon, egg, toast and a glass of orange juice.

Legacy focuses on the local technology systems, primarily watching the other patrons via the pair of cameras the diner has once she skimmed through the files on their network.

It doesn’t take long for their breakfast to be served. Legacy enjoyed watching it being cooked by the security cameras. They each have three rashes of bacon, a couple of eggs and a slice of toast plus a glass of orange juice.

She scoffs it down once it arrives

It’s a lot better than the tin food that I’ve been having.

Legacy looks up to see Scott smiling at her.

“Hmm,” inquires Legacy through a mouthful of bacon.

“You’re gobbling that down fast,” notes Scott.

Legacy shrugs before continuing with her meal at the same rate. Within moments Legacy has finished her meal. Scott lets out one of his light chuckles before calling the waitresses over and ordering another meal for Legacy.

This time it is a batch of pancakes with a glass of apple juice. It doesn’t take long for Legacy to eat it all as well, but by that time, Scott is also done.

Scott pays with some dollars as they get up from their seats. Legacy notices he pays with more than their meals cost.

I wonder why?

They continue their silence as the two of them leave the diner.

“Now what?” asks Legacy.

“More shopping and a hair cut for you,” answers Scott, “We need to start getting more supplies and I want you to start picking the materials you want rather than just using what’s available. And while your hair is nice, long hair is impractical for what you do. I’m thinking a pixie cut. Usually people book appointments, but since we’ll get there when they open, we should be able to get an appointment. We probably have another hour until it opens.”

“Okay,” says Legacy.

“I just thought of something by the way,” Scott says suddenly, “If anybody asks about the relationship between us, just say I’m your honorary uncle. A close friend of your father who is looking after you for the time being.”

“Sure,” replies Legacy.

Even through the increasing amount of falsehoods sit ill with me.

They find a bench near the hairdresser where they sit down and wait. They spend the time as Legacy asks Scott things she doesn’t know and he tries his best to answer them, expanding her knowledge of the world they live in.

They fall silent and watch as the hairdresser’s is opened across the street.

“Let’s go,” says Scott as he gets up.

They head towards the now open doors of the show. They’re in luck as Scott is easily able to book an appointment. It turns out that not that many people actually have appointments first thing in the morning.

The hairdresser who does Legacy’s hair is nice, but Legacy doesn’t enjoy the small talk that the woman tries to make. Especially since she doesn’t have proper answers to her question or answer involves something that Scott has forbidden her from speaking about.

Legacy can’t help, but feel that she was unfairly cold towards the hairdresser. But there is nothing that she can do about that without doing something she’s not supposed to.

At the end, her long, black and quite dirty hair is reduced a much shorter length in the style of what Scott and the hairdressers called a pixie cut.

Short hair is better for fighting than long hair. That’s what Scott and the voice agrees.

“Now what?” asks Legacy as they leave the hairdresser.

“Just follow me for now,” answers Scott, “I got a surprise for you.”

Scott leads Legacy down the street of shops as the level of activity slowly increases with the opening of the shops.

I don’t mind my haircut. Maybe it is nice to have a change, but I don’t particularly care that I have short hair. I kind of like it actually. It is very practical compared to long hair.

“Here we are,” says Scott as they stop outside a hardware store, “I’m sure this place will be your version of a candy shop. Plenty of different tools and parts for you to chose from.”

Legacy looks at the store. It just as impressive as any other shop, but even by just looking at the windows, she can see a nice amount of items.

“Okay Legs,” says Scott, “I’m going to give you a couple thousand to spend in there. I recommend stuff to help you build something like an exoskeleton or something else fancy. You know, the type of things that you can create, but can’t buy.”

“Don’t worry Scott,” replies Legacy, “I understand.”

He hands her the money, several wads of cash. Legacy sticks them in the pockets of her hoodie, out of sight.

“I’ll be off,” says Scott, “Try not to attract attention.”

“I know about not attracting attention,” replies Legacy, “I know I’m not supposed to do it.”

“Good, good,” says Scott, “Consider this a test of how well you do in public on your own. We’ll meet back at our place later.”

“Yes Scott,” replies Legacy as he walks away.

Now what? I got a bunch of money and somewhere to spend it. This is my candy store as Scott said. Of course I don’t know what a candy store so that doesn’t help much. I better go inside and see what there is.

The store doesn’t disappoint as Legacy spots plenty of different stuff. She isn’t sure about how what to get. She does have some ideas, but isn’t sure which are the best.

Okay, what first?


That was the voice. Finally said something instead of just giving me feelings. Anything else to say?

An internal silence is Legacy’s response.

At least I got something to go on. The voice is right, I should try using logic. What first? Find out what there is in the shop and then work out what is the best. Wait, I should figure out what there is the shop and then figure out what I want to build. Then I should figure out what is best for me. No, missed another step. I should figure out what type of parts would suit my purpose and then figure out what of them is best.

And how to do that? I could look through all of the items. Or I could use my power to go through the store’s computer files. I prefer the latter. Less time consuming and far more accurate than doing by hand.

What else do I need to consider? Money. I got two thousand dollars at my disposal. That gives me a lot to work with, but it’s still a limited amount. I’ll have to figure out if I’m getting value for my money when I pick what I’m buying.

So what projects to I want to do? I have weaponry and we’re getting armour. I’m going to get an exoskeleton. It would work well with my current set of armour and would be useful as I’m lacking in physical prowess. Beyond that, I need to figure out how I’m going to organise my battles. I can’t just keep fighting them as they come. Sooner or later, my enemies will get an organised response to take me down and I’ll need an organised response of my own to counter that.

I can access any piece of technology within range of my power through I do have to be closer depending on how primitive it is. The ability to pick locks by touching them is very useful. What I need to figure out how my powers work with networks. While all of the devices were in my range in Matt’s shop, I was able to access them through their networks not individually. If I can access devices via their networks even if the individual device is out of my power’s range, that would be really useful and would affect my plans.

Legacy decides to test the extent of the powers first. She heads over into a corner of the store, out of sight. Her power seems to have a range of twenty metres in a sphere around her with the devices closer to her being easier to use her power one than those that are further away.

Legacy reaches out with her power, trying to find an electronic device in another building. Hopefully it’ll be connected to network with more devices that are out of her range so she actually tests her limits.

There. A computer in the backroom of a grocery store. I’m inside it now. It’s connected to the store’s network with the majority of the network. Let’s see. Can I access the rest of the network?

Legacy lets out an internal cry of joy as she is able to access devices that would normally be out of her range using the network. This opens up so many new possibilities for her.


Legacy walks out of the store with a full bag in each arm. She is pleased with her choices and has only spent half of the money that Scott gave her.

In the end, Legacy decided to focus on three projects, an exoskeleton suit, upgrading her goggles and creating a surveillance system.

The first is simply to give her an edge once her element of surprise runs out as Legacy is physically lacking. Hopefully she can get it to increase her strength, agility and reflexes.

As for the goggles, Legacy hopes to install a camera to record things and other stuff to help her track and identify things. That would extremely useful as it would allow her review her missions.

And the surveillance system will give her an unbeatable edge. With her ability to access the entire network if she is in range of just a single device, Legacy will need only a single device in the basement or in her costume to access the entirety of the network.

As a result, Legacy can create lots of miniature devices to track and record and seed them throughout the network. It will allow her to track her enemies’ movement and organise her attacks against them.

It will be perfect and they’ll have no way to counter it. I’ll be unstoppable


Warning? What is the voice trying to warn me about? I only said... that must be it. The voice is trying to warn me that my surveillance system won’t be perfect. Or perhaps I shouldn’t assume my enemies will be unable to counter it.

Or maybe there is a threat nearby. But I can’t detect anything or think anything that is a threat in the vicinity. I’m going to with the former explanation of warning me not to rely too much on my technology.

Legacy looks around none the less and begins to keep an eye out. She doesn’t like being out in public on her own without her equipment and is all too glad to follow Scott’s instructions to go back to their basement.

Perhaps it is the constant secrecy or the making sure she isn’t being followed, one group of girls get Legacy’s attention as she spots them scrolling along the other side of the street.

There are four of them and they’re about the same age as Legacy though she would put them as slightly older. All of them are wearing the same sort of clothes, bright and impractical stuff that you would never catch Legacy wearing. And that isn’t even mentioning the useless camouflage they got smeared on their faces.

They’re chatting away with each other and are drawing stares from the people around them. It takes Legacy a moment to place why they’re getting so much attention.

It is the most dominant member of group that is attracting the stares Legacy is able to figure out from the fact most of the people are staring at that particular girl.

The girl has long blonde hair and a mildly muscular body. Her jeans and pink tank top hug her extremely generous curves as she hovers slightly above the ground. But what really gets Legacy’s attention is the device on her wrist.

It is large and kind of bulky, but it is one of the most advanced things that Legacy has seen.

With the exception of my creations of course. I haven’t really since anything that is as high tech as my own devices. I actually doubt that anybody else does have anything as good as the stuff I make.

Legacy looks away. The girl is getting enough attention as it is and Legacy doesn’t want to draw attention to herself by attracting the gaze of the girl.

Legacy quickly moves so the girl is out of her line of sight and hurries back to her base. The uneasiness of being exposed and alone, the warning by the voice and the surprise at seeing an advanced piece of technology have all made her extremely wary. The relative safety of the basement will be a welcome relief to Legacy.

It only takes about twenty minutes of rapid walking to reach the basement and Legacy almost forgets to make sure she isn’t being followed.

She enters and dumps her bags on the ground. Legacy lets out a breath of relief and begins to focus on what she is going to build next. Inventing and building items and gadgets is always relaxing to Legacy, using the only area of knowledge that she properly remembers and her only constant, her power.

Now Legacy only needs to figure what she’s going to build first. The goggles are least important of her three projects so they will be last. The exoskeleton and surveillance system are of equal importance, but the exoskeleton will be quicker to complete. In the end, that is what convinces Legacy to start the exoskeleton first.

Tonight is going to go great.


Legacy spends the reminder of the morning and a good portion working on her exosuit until it is finished. She would have skipped lunch, but ended up having a late one at Scott’s insistence.

The exosuit is sleek and easily fits underneath Legacy’s costume or any other clothing for that matter. As long as the clothing isn’t skintight that is. But Legacy has no intention of wearing anything skintight if she can help it.

It boosts her strength, endurance and stamina in addition to her speed, agility and reflexes when it is worn. It doesn’t help her toughness or durability, but it will still give Legacy a clear advantage over her enemies in a physical confrontation.

The power source particularly pleases Legacy as it uses a collection of ElecMag power cells that are placed throughout the exosuit. These cells can be used to power her weapon’s power cells or vice versa.

Since she completed her exosuit, Legacy has been working on the start of her surveillance system, the goggles being put off for another day. The first part is the command device to allow Legacy to control the network from the basement.

She was unsure of whether to make it large and extensive like her custom computer or small and mobile like the phones that she has been stealing from the gangsters. In the end Legacy decided on something small so she could carry it around with her, but at the same time, she made so it could be attached to a computer if needed.

The rest of the network consists of sensors. She hesitates to call them cameras because they track other things then just picture and sound, such as temperature and the composition of the air.  And unlike most manmade things, Legacy’s sensors lack a uniform design other than being small and durable.

There are multiple reasons for this, all pragmatic and practical. First is that she can make more as not trying to make them conform to a single shape allows her to use more of the resources she has at her disposal.

Another advantage is that they’ll be harder for her enemies to find if they do figure out what she is doing as if they find one and figure out what it is, they won’t be able to know what to look for when they search for the others.

A third one is that it means that Legacy can create them in the field and just place them as needed. That will be useful in several situations that she can think of.

And Legacy will be able to field test it tonight. She likes her night missions. Going out with her costume and weapons and fighting the forces of evil feels great.

Puts a real stride in my step to use the expression that Scott suggested.

“Be careful,” Scott warns her as Legacy, “I’m certain the local gangsters are going to be on the local out for you. You’ve done too much damage to them over the past three days to them for the gang to be able to ignore you.”

“I will be vigilant,” replies Legacy as she picks her weapons up, going with her preferred loadout of her pipe-gun, a pair of stun-pipes and the sidearm that Scott insist she carries.

‘Just in case’ is what Scott gives as his reason for his insistence.

“I just worry for you Legacy,” says Scott, “Even if I only met you a mere ten days ago.

“I have my exosuit now,” Legacy reassures him as she heads for the door, “And I’ll begin seeding my surveillance system. I’m being prepared now, not just fighting evil where I find it.”

“Just don’t take unnecessary risks,” replies Scott, “Promises me that.”

“I promise I won’t take any unnecessary risks,” promises Legacy before closing the door behind her.

Guardian makes her way to one of the local gang’s base of operations, something called a ‘crack house’. The gang she has been facing over the last few days is newly formed one after Washdown and Blastout destroyed most of the lakeside areas of the city. They call themselves the Lakeside Devils.

I couldn’t care less what they call themselves, but I suppose I need to know what they are known as if I’m going to spy on them and track their movements and actions.

Guardian drops her surveillance system sensors every now and again, beginning the formation of her spy network. It as she does this, that Guardian notices a couple of men following her.

One of them is in his early twenties while the other appears middle aged and both look like members of the Lakeside Devils. Each of them has a gun, a pistol and SMG respectively.

But they seem content to just follow Guardian and she gives no clue that she has spotted them.

At least I know I’m working into a trap. I hope this doesn’t count as taking an unnecessary risk.

Guardian makes her way to her destination, the two men following her the entire way. She tries the handle on the building’s back door and finds it unlocked.

Definitely a trap.

Guardian enters the room and freezes at what awaits her inside.

The interior walls of the building’s ground floor have all been knocked down and there are several armed gangsters waiting for Guardian. She can count nine in addition to the large brute of a man that Guardian assumes is their leader.

He looks particularly tough with shiny metal skin, extremely large muscles and lacks any bodily hair on him. His clothing consists of a sleeveless white shirt with strains and ragged jeans. Unlike his fellow gangsters, this man has no gun and is completely unarmed.

“So you’re the Guardian,” sneers the metal man, “That superhero bitch who has been giving us so much trouble.”

Guardian thinks though her options as the two men that have been following her enter the building via the same door as Guardian.

I’m surrounded and outgunned. I have no cover and no route of escape. I can’t fight back without getting killed in the opening moments and I have no options. Now what?


More advice from the voice. I might as well follow it. It’s not like I have come up with anything better and the voice has yet to give me bad advice.

“Surrender girl if you know what’s good for ya,” says the metal man and Guardian is sure that he is the leader of these gangster.

Guardian slowly draws her two stun-pipes and drops the on the ground.

“Smart girl,” chuckles the metal man, “Looks like we haven’t got a complete idiot, boys.”

Some of the gangsters join in with their leader’s laughing as Guardian tries to figure out how the situation is going to go down.

They know my name and they should also know about my pipe weaponry. I don’t know if they know about the gun that Scott insists I keep on me. I haven’t used it yet there is still the possibility that they don’t. I don’t think they seemed to be interesting in killing me right now, but I have no doubts that will kill me without hesitation.

“What about your other weaponry?” demands the metal man, “Don’t pretend you don’t have anymore.”

Guardian pulls out her pipe-gun and drops that on the floor with the stun-pipes. The gangsters stare at her as if they are expecting her to have more weapons on her.

“I don’t have any more,” Guardian tells them, “Well I do, but I left the rest at my hideout.”

The metal man grunts and orders one of his lackeys to collect the weapons.

Now what voice? I’ve been waiting and I don’t think this is going to go in my favour any time soon.


Phones. More advice even if it is a bit unclear on what the voice is suggesting. A win to this fight I hope. I don’t have any phones, but I have noticed that most of my enemies do.

Guardian reaches out with her power, searching for phones. She can find on all of the gangsters. Even their leader.

What could the voice want me to-

“Girl!” yells the metal man, “Pay attention! Perhaps you prefer being called Guardian? Would that get you to pay attention to me?”

“Maybe,” replies Guardian and the metal man grunts in annoyance.

“Do you know who I am?” demands the metal man.

“Metal Man?” suggests Guardian.

Whatever the metal man is going to say, he freezes as he thinks Guardian’s reply over.

“Yeah, I might go with that,” mutters the metal man before speaking up, “I am Metal Man, the leader of the Lakeside Devils!”

Some of the others look uneasy at that declaration. Perhaps they dislike him or the fact he holds that position.

“I got my power when the old boss of our old gang decided to off me,” declares Metal Man, “One of his followers shot me, but I didn’t die. Instead I got my metal skin. Now I am tougher and stronger than any normal person! That was when I decided I wasn’t gonna to let my attempted murder go. After all, I now have real power that doesn’t rely on other people. And soon I will crush my rivals and the police will be helpless to help me. Only Atlas or Alexandria can beat me and I won’t be stupid enough to take them head on.”

While Metal Man has been gloating, Guardian has been going through the phones of the gangsters. She has been using her power to change the phones so they will electrocute the gangsters as a signal from her.

“A shame that you decided to be a hero,” drawls Metal Man, “But at least I have the opportunity to bag my first superhero, first of many I’ll bet.”

He gives Guardian a feral grin just as she finishes altering the phones. Her trap is set and will give her opportunity to turn things around.

Metal Man reaches for Guardian with his beefy fists. She instinctively leans away and sends the signal.

As a limitation of her abilities, Guardian can’t activate all of the modified phones at once.  Instead she had to link them and then used her power to modify one of her sensors to send the signal. With a device capable of sending the signal, Guardian than uses her power on that device to make it send the signal to make the phones electrocute the gangsters.

The men scream around her as electricity pumps through their bodies.

Guardian searches her foes for the one that took her weapons. She didn’t see which one it was as she was modifying the phones at the time.

And Guardian can’t spot the culprit in the confusion that she has created.

She doesn’t want to press her luck as despite having taken out everybody in the room as Guardian is still horrible outnumbered if even just a few of their number recovers.

She hears a grunt from in front of her and she looks down.

Metal Man is slowly getting to his feet. Despite being vulnerable to electric attacks like the other gangsters, he is almost fully recovered from it.

Guardian goes through the information that she knows about him.

Metal Man said that he got his powers when he was shot. Since he survived that, I doubt my gun will be much against him. Plus Metal Man mentioned that he was tougher and stronger than normal so I assume that is why he has recovered so much faster than the others. Since he is stronger and tougher, I won’t be able to match him in a fair fight even with my exoskeleton.

Metal Man is almost back on his feet when Guardian hurtles over him, pushing him forwards into the ground as she pushes off his back.

Now what voice?


I agree. It is a good idea.

Guardian gives up on trying to retrieve her weapons as even if she could find them, she wouldn’t be able to get to them with Metal Man recovered.

What Guardian does do as she runs for the front door, is drop a few sensors so she can keep track of what is going on here even once she is gone.

Guardian kicks the door open and it breaks under her exoskeleton-enhanced strength. Without even sparing a glance behind her, the superhero runs off into the night.


Guardian hesitates as she reaches the basement. Tonight didn’t go well and Guardian came out behind without a doubt. The only upsides that she can think of are that she wasn’t hurt or killed and she was able to set up a basic surveillance system.

She failed to stop any of the gangsters, didn’t get anything this trip and actually lost her best weapons. Guardian is ashamed at how poorly tonight went and is doesn’t want to face Scott’s disappointment in her.

But she is going to have to at some point so that isn’t any point in delaying that time.

Legacy enters the basement and looks around for Scott. He’s sitting at her computer, reading something.

“You’re back a bit earlier than I expected,” says Scott without looking up, “I assume things went well then.”

Legacy hesitates. She feels guilty at Scott assuming her earliness is due to success rather the failure that is the true reason.

“They didn’t,” replies Legacy, “They actually went extremely poorly.”

Scott quickly gets up and turns to inspect Legacy.

“Are you hurt?” demands Scott, “You don’t look like you are, but...”

“I’m physically fine,” answers Legacy, “But I lost my best weapons and didn’t take any of them out.”

“What happened?” Scott asks calmly.

“It started off as usual,” explains Legacy, “But then I was followed as I went to my chosen location. Once I entered the building, it was a trap and their leader, Metal Man, had powers while the rest of them were armed. I was surrounded and outnumbered with no cover or escape.”

“Go on,” says Scott encouragingly as Legacy pauses.

“I waited and turned their phones into traps to electrocute them,” continues Legacy, “I activated them once Metal Man had finished speaking and I escaped from building while they still down. I was unable to retrieve my weapons as Metal Man was recovering too quickly.”

“This Metal Man,” says Scott slowly, “What powers did he have?”

“His skin was metal,” answers Legacy, “He claimed to have gotten them when he was shot and he also said he was tougher and stronger than normal people. He did recover much faster than the other gangsters even though he was still vulnerable to electricity.”

“Let’s focus on what we can do to solve this situation,” Scott tells her, “Can you make more weapons?”

“Easily,” answers Legacy, “Replacing them won’t be a problem.”

“And what about the surveillance system you were going to set up tonight?” asks Scott, “Were you successful in that?”

“Yes I was,” answers Legacy, “That was the only thing that went well tonight. I was even able to leave some sensors at the trap.”

“So let’s check on how well it is working,” suggests Scott soothingly, “So you’re just going to call your sensors sensors?

“That is correct,” replies Legacy, “It is short for surveillance system sensors. I preferred it to any of the other names I can up with.”

“So can you use your control device to access the network on the computer?” inquires Scott, “I know that you can access it with your power, but I would like to see it as well.”

“Okay,” says Legacy as she goes to get the phone size device.

She sits down at the computer as she plugs the control device in while Scott stands behind her.

“Let’s bring up the sensors in the trap building,” suggests Scott and Legacy does as he requested.

They don’t get any good picture as Legacy was in a rush when she placed them, but they do get sound and other data.

“Those people are the police,” explains Scott as the sensors show people in uniform putting the gangsters in restraints, “They uphold the law, but while they are on the same side as you, they are not your friends as you break the law.”

“I understand,” answers Legacy.

“I assume that one is Metal Man,” says Scott as the leader of Lakeside Devils is taken away from a teenage girl.

“I know that girl,” Legacy says suddenly, “I saw her earlier when I was shopping.”

“That’s Alexandria,” Scott tells her, “She is Atlas’ little sister and has the same powers as her brother, but weaker.”

They go silent as they hear Metal Man screaming profanity at Alexandria.

“It was that dumb bitch Guardian!” curses Metal Man as he is taken away.

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