Saturday 17 September 2016

1.18 Family Part 2

Leo glances at Mum and Dad as he follows Bel into the living room.

Dad looks the same as ever while Mum looks… more normal than before.

While still clearly an Abnormal, his Mum is no longer inhumanly tall as she is just under two metres tall. Her hair is also no longer pink, but instead a golden brown blonde.

But her eyes are still pink mind you while her ears pointy with a second pair of cat ears on the top of her head, her wings are still sprouting from her back, her tall is flicking back and forth and her figure and bust are still ridiculous.

She has changed her fur colour to match her hair colour.

And her figure is no worse than Belinda.

That’s different!


“Please take a seat,” says Dad and Leo sits down opposite Mum.

“You too Belinda,” says Mum as Belinda starts to leave the room, “This talk will involve you as well.”

Belinda glances at Leo as she turns and sits next to him, looking very on edge.

No, not edge. She looks alert.

“Now, then I just want to say that I think Jaylyn is wonderful,” says Mum as she clasps her hands together, “Frankly, I wasn’t expecting a grandkid from you and Joan until you both were at least seventeen.”

“Mum!” exclaims Leo indignantly as he instantly grasps his mum’s implications.

“Anyway, we have spent quite a bit of time talking with Jaylyn this afternoon,” says Dad, ignoring his son’s reaction, “By the way, Joan is in the same boat about Jaylyn as you are.”


“What?” says Leo.

“You see, her parents also found out about Jaylyn,” explains Mum, “Breanne and Abigail also know. They might bring Marcelle and Alexis into the know as well. We are not telling Tanya and Darian about Jaylyn or you being Gears just so you know.”

Well, that is going to be a...

Not a problem.

No, just awkward.


“So Noelle and I have been discussing-” starts Mum.

That’s Joan’s mother!

Since when did our mums start talking to each other?

Plus she called her Noelle not Mrs Fowler.

What do think that could mean?

“You talk with Joan’s mum?” interrupts Leo.

“Leo, it is rude to interrupt people like!” admonishes Mum and he rolls his eyes in response, “But yes, since it became clear Noelle that you and Joan weren’t exactly going to break up any time soon, she started talking to me, the mother of her daughter’s boyfriend. And since then, we had become close friends. Particularly after she manifested and Joan got out of the hospital. Quite fortunate for you and Joan, not that it would have mattered for the two of you.”

“So the two of you are friends?” inquires Leo.

“Oh yes dear,” replies Mum as she beams at him, “I’m sure Noelle will be help me get use to my new form and powers. But let’s move on and discuss your activities. While I’m sure you thought you were being sneaky and all, we aren’t fools son. You did get your smarts from somewhere other than your powers.”

Wait, is Mum saying that she and Dad knew about my powers all along.

And we put so much effort into trying to keep our powers and vigilantism secret from them.

We might not have kept the basics hidden, but we did hide the particulars of our powers, Jaylyn and all that other stuff they didn’t know about.

Plus all the stuff they still don’t know about.

“So am I in trouble?” inquires Leo.

“No son,” says Dad, “Frankly, you’ve been at it for a few months now. I don’t think telling you stop would really do anything and it isn’t exactly like we can just force you to stop.”


We did just establish that they are also smart.


“So instead we would like you to keep us up to date on your vigilante activities,” says Mum.

“Alright,” replies Leo, “That sounds reasonable.”

But I’ll be keeping my cybernetic arm to myself.

No argument there.

It would only cause unnecessary worry for them.

And unwanted questions for us.

“Good,” says Mum, beaming at the news, “Now, let’s discuss your plans Belinda.”

“M-me?” Belinda stumbles her reply, caught by surprise.

“Yes,” replies Mum, “Since I accidentally brought you here and have no idea on how to return you home, we need to decide on what you will do. First of all, let’s decide on how you fit into this family.”

“Well, I was speaking to Joan and Legacy about that earlier,” Belinda starts to say before hesitating, “And, umm, Legacy feels that since I have parents of my own, I should consider you two to be my Aunt and Uncle. She also said that I should consider Tatiana and Darian to be younger siblings since I don’t have any in my home dimension and since Leo is my alternate, we should consider each other to be a twin.”

“That sounds reasonable,” says Dad.

“So Bel,” says Mum as she smiles at her new niece, “What will you else will you do?”

“I’m going to try and live a normal life,” replies Belinda, “Go to school, maybe get a boyfriend. Definitely not joining the United Heroes, the DSA or any other government group. While I did back home, they are far too different here.”

Belinda is silent for a moment as she glances over at Leo.

“And if I can’t do that,” continues Belinda, “I’ll join the Guardsmen. If they will have me that is.”

Of course we will.

“We will,” Leo reassures her.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the delay, but something came up in real life when I was going to post it yesterday and it didn't get resolved until this afternoon.

    As for this post, there are a few things I would like to say. First of all is that Danica Geary is responsible for bringing Belinda into this world. She has a power that allows her to access Mirror Worlds and when Leo got attempted in Demonica's fake hell, she attempted to use that power to summon Leo to her. The first attempt resulting in Belinda showing up and Danica decided not to experiment further.

    As for Leo's parents knowing about his powers and activities, they only knew the basics such Leo had superpowers and he partaking in secretive activities. Not supervillainy, but not legitimate work either and given his personality, it had to be vigilantism. And given the possible vigilantes that Leo could have been, the power of deduction meant he had to be Gears.

    So due to their smarts, Cecil and Danica were about to deduced a rough idea of what their son was up to months ago in-story. As for why Leo didn't notice, it might not be particularly obvious in-story, but Leo isn't the best when it comes to noticing things about family. He is excellent at keeping track of possible threats and other things that can affect him, but family is a blind spot for him as he doesn't deem them to be problem and he doesn't want to involved them in his 'activities'. Something I am planning to turn into a plot point. Well, another one as it is part of why Leo has been blindsided by his parents knowing about what he does.

    As for next time, we go back to Legacy, Scott and Ceta. Man, it feels like a long time since it has just been them.
