Sunday 22 May 2016

Godslayer Arc 1.17 Satri

Satri Roken, Page of the great Champion Miskara Stormmistress of the Ti’darkei Order, twirls the spear that her mistress left in her care before disappearing.

From what her cousin, Page Uri and her own mistress, Knight Sirakor Justmover, have told Satri, it is normal for Champion Miskara to do such things. Something that Satri has noticed due to how Miskara has disappeared in the same way for the other two days that Satri has been her page.

According to Uri, one of the reasons Satri got the position of being Miskara’s page was because she could be trusted to tolerate Miskara’s eccentricities and keep them secret.

Still, Satri doesn’t mind such things as her position is a prestigious one, it pays well and Miskara has proven herself to be a kind mistress so far.

After all, all Satri has to do is look after Miskara’s trivial affairs such as cleaning her clothes, keeping her quarters tidy and preparing her meals.

Satri strolls over to massive mirror in the luxurious quarters to see how well the sleek, smooth white and silver spear suits her now that she has completed all of her outstanding tasks.

Like her cousin Uri, Satri has white fur and black hair, but she is taller with long hair. And also like her cousin, Satri is wearing the white and gold robes of a Ti’darkei Order page.

“Do you think dis looks good?” Satri asks the spear rhetorically.

But to her surprise, the spear flickers one, glowing with white light.

“W-what?!” exclaims Satri as she recoils away from the spear in her grip, the last thing she was expecting being a response from the inanimate object.

Satri hesitate for a moment before asking the spear, “Can you understand me?”

In response to the question, the spearhead blinks once, momentarily full of glowing white light.

“Cool,” mutters Satri, fascinated by this discovery, “How about this, one flash for yes and two flashes for no.”

And the spear blinks once.

“Okay, can you blink twice for no?” asks Satri and the spear does so.

“Dis is so amazing,” whispers Satri, “Does Champion Miskara know about dis?”

The spear blinks three times.

“Does dat mean you don’t know?” inquires Satri.

The spear blinks once.

“Oh, okay,” says Satri as she wonders how to ask Miskara herself about this discovery, “What else can you do?”

A beam of light shoots forth from the spearhead and flies across the room, hitting one of Miskara’s pillows.

With a frightened whimper, Satri drops the spear and darts across the room to Miskara’s canopy bed.

The pillow has a small burn hole in it, but fortunately it hasn’t caught fire or anything. Satri sighs with relief.

“So what do I do with dis now?” mutters Satri.

“Just get a replacement,” says Miskara from behind Satri and the page jumps at the sound of her mistress’ voice.

With a great nervousness, Satri slowly turns around to see Miskara leaning against the wall by the doorway, holding the spear.

“H-hello Champion Miskara,” replies Satri, “I-I mean m-mistress. I d-didn’t realise dat you h-had returned home.”

“Oh relax,” says Miskara with a wave of her hand, “I’m not going to bite your head or anything. Just tell anybody who asks dat it got damaged during me demonstrating my power.”

“But wouldn’t dat be lying?” asks Satri as she relaxes.

With one swift motion, Miskara aims a finger at the pillow in Satri’s hands and fires off a small bolt of electricity. It hits the hole in the pillow with pin point accuracy, burning it even wider.

With a small yelp, Satri drops the pillow before sheepishly bending down and picking it back up.

“Not anymore,” replies Miskara with a smirk, “I didn’t scare you did I?”

“W-well, no, uh yes, you did,” replies Satri, deciding to be honest with her new mistress.

“Sorry,” replies Miskara, sounding genuine to Satri, “I forget dat not everybody is used to my power as I am. Anyway, once you get a replacement pillow, come back here. I want to chat with you.”

“Me?” says Satri, confused.

“Yes, you,” replies Miskara, “You’re my page and I am your mistress. We should get to know each other. Besides, I’m sure you want to know de true story behind dis spear.”

As Satri leaves Miskara’s quarters, she decides that being the Page of the great Champion Miskara Stormmistress of the Ti’darkei Order is nothing like she thought it would be.

1 comment:

  1. So now, this upload makes the end of the second part of Arc I for Godslayer. Originally I was going to have this as Arc II, but I ended up changing things so that Arc I is Drakvar getting himself established. Basically an origin story. The new Arc II is basically the time between the end of the original story and the start of the Kith equivalent of WWI.

    Moving onto this post, I wanted to show off what has happened to Fatimir in addition to showing some of how the Ti'darkei Order operates.

    So next time, Drakvar runs into the Avatar of an otherworldly godlike Entity. Paradise the Deceiver to be precise.
