Sunday 27 March 2016

Godslayer Arc 1.10 Shocker Again

Drakvar staggers backwards as Sir Galamin’s fist slams into his gut. He groans as he drops to his knee, panting heavily.

Since their meeting together, Sir Galamin offered to take on Drakvar as his squire and Drakvar accepted the offer as he saw no reason not to. Hence why they are now sparring on the ground floor of the abandoned factory that Drakvar calls home.

It turns out that Sir Galamin is the son of the Ordic and was born over a thousand years ago. He came to Kar’mire to see his father and then decided to stick around for the dual purpose of training Drakvar and making sure nothing averse is being undertaken within Kar’mire.

Unfortunately for Drakvar, Sir Galamin easily outclasses him with almost a thousand years of knowledge and combat experience in addition to a finely honed body.

“You did well Drakvar,” says Sir Galamin in that deep, commanding voice of his, “Not many would still be upright after such a blow. Not surprising considering your abilities.”

“So my abilities are the only reason I am still standing?” grunts Drakvar as he struggles to stand back up.

“It is not so bad to have such a thing be the case,” replies Sir Galamin, “As the First Saint, my own abilities due to such a status give me a considerable advantage against those who would oppose me, even before you take other factors into account.”

“I suppose,” grumbles Drakvar, “So what does being the First Saint mean anyway? Are you called that because you are the strongest one alive or because you were the first one?”

“The former,” answers Sir Galamin, “But the latter is also correct as while I am the most powerful of Saints and Demigods that walk this world, I am also the first of the Saints as all those that came before me were all Demigods. Beyond that, I have also kept my body in top form over the long years.”

“No wonder I never stood a chance,” mutters Drakvar.

“Not yet you don’t,” agrees Sir Galamin, “But within a few years, you should be easily capable of holding your own against me. In fact, it is only because I fight extremely well and do not rely on my powers any more than I have to.”

“Daddy!” yells Solara as she blasts past Drakvar, moving beyond his ability to track as she travels at the speed of light.

The warrior-spirit tackles Sir Galamin, wrapping her arms around him as the Saint doesn’t even budge under her impact, leaving Drakvar impressed by the ancient warrior.

“Solara, my little angel,” says Sir Galamin in a whisper as he hugs her back, “It has been months since I have last seen you.”

As Drakvar watches the two of them embrace each other, he hears Jordis calling his name.

“Drakvar!” says Jordis as the young girl runs up to him, “I want another book.”

“I only got you one just a couple of days ago,” points out Drakvar.

“I’ve finished reading it,” says Jordis shameless as she looks up at Drakvar with wide eyes, “Can I have another one?”

“If I can find one,” replies Drakvar with a mild sigh, “It isn’t like I have the money to just go and buy one.”

“Here,” says Sir Galamin and Drakvar barely catches the small grey circle, “That is a Jord iron coin, worth one hundred and ten international credits. Just make sure any shop you go to will accept Jord coin.”

“Thank you,” replies Drakvar as he looks down at the dull coin, remembering that most books only cost about ten international credits or two Karric coppers.

“Just see that you use my gift wisely,” replies Sir Galamin as Solara looks over his shoulder as she climbs on his back, “I shall continue your training later.”


Drakvar looks down at the child’s book of local mythical tales. One thing he has noticed about the local Karric people is that they don’t hold much faith in the supernatural. Most of them even believe that psychics get their powers solely from technology rather than harnessing magic with the use of technology as is truly the case

In addition, barely anybody knows much about the state of affairs outside of the Karris Monarchy or even its capital Kar’mire. Admittedly, Kar’mire and its outskirt settlements contain almost twenty percent of the nation’s populace.

None the less, Drakvar feels that he is one of the knowledgeable people when it comes to foreign affairs, even with his recent memory loss.

Drakvar tugs the book away into a pouch on his clothes, storing it along with his remaining coins, twenty Karric coppers.

As he makes his way through the Kith going about their daily lives, Drakvar spots a Kith that is just under two metres tall and is concealed by a grey-black hooded cloak that covers the entirety of her body.

Shocker. Is she going to attack me again?

Drakvar begins to run through the streets, hoping that he can shake Shocker. But Shocker isn’t so easily discouraged and swiftly chases after Drakvar.

Drakvar turns into an alley just as electric bolts strike out from Shocker. He ducks and the electricity flies over his head. Drakvar glances behind him as he runs only to see Shocker enter the alley and leap at the wall.

Her feet stick to the wall and she rapidly runs along the wall, outpacing Drakvar and jumps down in front of him.

“Take dis you fool!” yells Shocker as she soars through the air and unleashes a massive attack of electricity at Drakvar.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Drakvar shouts back as he raises one arm to block the attack.

“Don’t act like you don’t know!” replies the Kith girl in a furious voice, “How on Lyatar do you keep neutralising all of my attacks?”

“Like I’m just going to tell the crazy chick that keeps randomly attacking me that,” retorts Drakvar.

“I’m not randomly attacking you,” snarls Shocker, “We both know what you did!”

“I don’t!” protests Drakvar earnestly and Shocker sends another blast of electricity at him.

“Liar!” yells back Shocker and Drakvar decides that he has had enough for one day.

“Anyway bye Shocker,” says Drakvar as he suddenly turns arounds and runs back down the alley.

“Wait-what,” says Shocker, sounding stunned, “What did you just call me?”

1 comment:

  1. So in this segment, Drakvar begins training under Sir Galamin (important in later Godslayer Arcs) and Shocker tries to kill him again. Not just beat him up or knock him out, but actually kill him. You see, Shocker is actually using enough electricity to kill a Kith ten times over, but Drakvar is immune to it so he doesn't realise. But from her point of view, Shocker feels she has good reason to kill Drakvar, but Drakvar just finds her annoying. As for why she froze at the end there, well, Shocker finds it shocking that someone will treat her with such disrespect by giving her trivial nickname like that.

    Anyway, next time on Godslayer, an interlude showing the perspective of a Karric soldier as the Karric Monarchy wages war on a Western city-state.
