Wednesday 30 March 2016

1.12 Virtual Part 5

“Good because my bot just got destroyed,” replies Legacy as she and Ceta meet up in another nanobot.

I have control of the entire network now,” says Ceta, “Not as good as my nanites, but these nanobots are decent.”

“You should give copies of their designs to Leo,” says Legacy.

That is a good idea,” replies Ceta, “Now using these nanobots, I will use them to fix Joan. Maybe improve where I can.

“She would like that,” says Legacy with a smile, “Especially since you are somebody she can trust.”

We should return and tell her the good news,” says Ceta.

“Yes, let’s,” agrees Legacy.


“Greetings Joan, Jaylyn,” says Legacy as she turns to her room in the Cyberworld, “I have returned with good news.”

Joan and Jaylyn are sitting on a couch in front of a large wall screen, showing an unknown film on it. Joan has changed into a black spacesuit while Jaylyn is changed from her white cloth dress into a dress made from a metallic weave. Legacy recognises them as both of alien origin, but altered to fit humans.

“What news?” asks Joan eagerly as the film pauses and both she and Jaylyn look over at Legacy.
“Ceta have taken full control of the nanobots,” Legacy informs them both, “You no longer need to worry about them.”

“That is good news,” says Joan with a sigh of relief.

“Judging from what I can see, the two of you appear to be enjoying yourselves,” says Legacy.

“Oh yes,” answers Joan as she gets up from the couch, “You and Ceta have an amazing amount of stuff stored in here. I could spent weeks in here! In fact, I have spent almost three days in here.”

“Actually it has only been a few seconds, but having experienced years in here over course of the last two months, I understand where you are coming from,” replies Legacy.

“Years?” mutters Joan, “Wow, you must be glad that we showed up.”

“Definitely,” confirms Legacy, “Not that I was bored or had nothing to do, but I enjoy having contact with my friends and family again.”

“I suppose I should log out,” says Joan with a sigh of annoyance, “I feel like doing something in the real world.”

“I understand,” says Legacy, “I shall await your return.”

“Oh, I’m not going just yet,” replies Joan, “I’m going to finish watching this movie series. I’m on eight of twelve.”

“I will join you,” says Legacy as she walks over to the duo, “Where are you are at?”

A place called Gorilth,” answers Jaylyn in her chirpy voice, “A planet with two moons, Harilk and Normil. Gorilth is inhabited by the Hardul while Normil is infested by the Infilik.”

“I remember that world,” says Legacy as she sits down next to Joan, “An Infilik called Jingorin was Guardian there.

“Yeah, he is in the movies,” says Joan, “Sort of. He is only mentioned in the past as this series is set in the future. Which is only slightly more advanced than our modern day in many area. Ceta has had it translate into English by the way.”

“The Hardul had a long lives and slow initiative,” replies Legacy, not mentioning that she doesn’t need to have the film translated, “The Infilik were short lived and not very smart. The Hardul were poor inventors when compared to Humanity while the Infilik relied on coping the Hardul for advancements in technology.”

“So you know the setting so I don’t have to explain it,” says Joan, “At this point, the Kiri Federation has driven the Infilik from Normil and dominates Gorilth. But now they are suffering corruption and internal instabilities as the years drag on. And now it is up to Pirila and her team to save the Kiri Federation and the Hardul race.”

“Interesting,” replies Legacy, “How far into the movie are we?”

“Not far,” answers Joan, “Barely past the beginning. Pirila and Marcal are on the run from the Kiri Internal Security Service and are trying to rally their allies.”

“Sounds good,” replies Legacy, “Shall we play it now?”

“Wait!” exclaims Joan, “You need to change out of that armour!”

“Why?” inquires Legacy as she gives Joan an odd look.

“Because we’re hanging out and you shouldn’t wear armour or work clothes when you’re hanging out,” explains Joan, “You should wear a dress or something.”

“A dress,” repeats Legacy.

“Yes, a dress,” says Joan, “You got a very beautiful body, you know.”

“I do?” says Legacy.

“Yes!” replies Joan, “You have at least C-cups, maybe even D-Cups. And you got such a good figure by normal standards. Your hair is so soft and smooth while your face has such pretty features. You might not stand up to an Aphrodite in terms of beauty, but you could definitely be mistaken for a Bellator.”

“I have been,” replies Legacy, “And technically speaking my genetics and nanites mean I would count as a D class Bellator if it weren’t for the fact I don’t have any powers.”

“Oh yeah,” says Joan, “I forgot your powers come from technology not whatever normal powers come from.”

“From Entities,” replies Legacy.

“Yeah, those things,” says Joan.

Excuse me, but I have uncovered something,” says Ceta as she appears next to them.

“What is it?” asks Legacy.

I have found the access point used by Abigail Fowler and her companion Divine Magicka to access Joan’s mind and body,” answers Ceta, “I can set up measures so Joan can limit their actions including retaking control of her body and blocking them from her mind if she so wishes.”

“Do it!” screeches Joan suddenly as she practically leaps out of her seat, “Do it now!”

As you wish,” says Ceta before disappearing.

1 comment:

  1. So this segment is primarily the three girls hanging out. Not much here. Other than more information on a previous Guardian. In case, it has already pointed out at some point in the story, only a minority of Guardians have been human and that is primarily just the recent ones.

    Anyway, next time, Joan flaunts to Abby how her powers no longer work on her properly.
