Friday 26 February 2016

Interlude - Pathfinder

Gemma punches the boxing bag as sweat glistens on her face and rest of her body.

“Ha!” cries Gemma as she finally finishes the last hour of her self-imposed training.

She has been excising for ten hours, most of the day, and is barely feeling tired. Some might call it a waste of a Sunday, but Gemma enjoys the fact she has proof that her body is fit, healthy, physically strong and tough.

She lacks the beauty of all those Aphrodites, but at least she can outdo them in physical prowess.

“Done yet?” asks Ava from a treadmill.

Gemma glances over at her new Aphrodite teammate. Given how Ava reacted to her manifestation and how Gemma was caught up in it, their friendship had a bit of a rocky start. But after just a week, both girls are getting very well with each other.

It is a shame we can’t hang out together publicly, but that is one of the downsides of having a secret identity. Oh well, we can still be friends in private.

Hmm. If we could hang out in public, she could use her power to upgrade my wardrobe free of course, but I can’t just bring her around my house. Too much unwanted attention and questions.

Wait a moment, I could just pack up all the clothing I want to upgrade and bring it here so she can do it in private.

“Yeah,” replies Gemma, “It has been ten hours of non-stop excise with only minute long breaks once an hour for a drinks and one five minute long one for food.”

“Wow,” replies Ava, impressed, “I didn’t know that was part of your powers.”

“It is an aspect of my Bellator body,” explains Gemma as she stretches, “I might lack the beauty of your Aphrodite body, but I have my perks.”

“It’s a shame that my other powers allow me to outdo you in that regard,” says Ava.

“Yeah,” mutters Gemma as she feels a twinge of jealous, “Don’t remind me.”

“Sorry,” says Ava as she notices Gemma’s reaction, “I didn’t mean to-”

“Don’t worry about it,” says Gemma as she cuts Ava off, “I’m a single power C+ while you’re A+ Aphrodite with multiple powers across the board. I’m know that you’re much more powerful than me. It just doesn’t make it any less annoying though.”

“I would still like to meet your family,” says Ava, “Are you sure I can’t just come round your house?”

“Definitely,” replies Gemma, “I have a secret identity and would like to keep it.”

“Are we getting change now?” asks Ava.

“Yeah, I ought to be going home now,” replies Gemma, “Would you mind-”

“Not at all,” replies Ava as she hops off the treadmill.

Gemma braces herself as she knows what is coming next.

Doesn’t make it any easier when Ava’s power cause me to lose control of my body. I can still feel my body and everything it does, but it doesn’t respond to what I tell it to do. At least Ava doesn’t alter my mind when she does it now.

Gemma feels a slight sensation of joy as her body begins dancing of its own accord as Ava also starts dancing.

Her workout clothes morph into a pair of jeans, a yellow long sleeved shirt in addition to her underwear.

The lower half at least.

“Umm,” says Gemma as she does a twirl, “You forgot my bra.”

“Sorry,” replies Ava as her clothes turn into a silky aqua gown, “I don’t need those anymore so I kind of forget.”

“Must be nice to not worry about having to look good,” says Gemma with a sigh as Ava corrects her mistake.

“Oh, you have no idea,” replies Ava as she dances over to Gemma, ignoring her sour look, “Want to dance for a bit before we leave?”

“What is with you and wanting to dance all the time?” asks Gemma, “But sure, why not?”

“Thanks,” replies Ava as she pulls Gemma into a dance.

Wait is she-oh no.

Gemma shivers as she tries to resist the flow of happy and relaxing feelings that overtake her mind and body, but is unable to resist her friend’s power, not even enough to even warn Ava of what she is sub-consciously doing.

It continues for a few minutes until their dance draws to a close. As their movements die down, Gemma, still in a blissful state under Ava’s power, leans in close to her friend and kisses Ava straight on the lips.

A stunned Ava pushes Gemma away forceful before staggering back. Unfortunately for Gemma, Ava has C+ super strength and sends her flying into the wall.

Gemma cries out in pain as she slams into the wall and crashing to the floor.

“What the hell?” demands an angry Ava, “What was that Gemma?”

“You using your power to mess with my mind,” replies Gemma as she sits upright against the wall before groaning, “I’m helpless against you when you use her powers against me you know.”

I’m-urr, I didn’t mean to use my power on you,” says Ava apologetically, her anger draining away and turning into guilt as she realise her part in what happened, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” replies Gemma, resisting the urge to wince in pain as she gets to her feet, “I’m a Bellator remember.”

Ave doesn’t need to know that she actually hurt me. I don’t want to make my friend feel even worse.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?” asks Ava nervously.

“Just forget about it,” replies Gemma as she heads for the door.

“Not even about the kis-” starts Ava.

“I said just forget about it,” says Gemma again, but more forcefully before leaving the gym.

I hate the fact I have a crush on Ava. No, I don’t, I just hate the fact she is straight and doesn’t return my feelings.

1 comment:

  1. So this just a short interlude that I wrote. I decided that I wanted to write about Pathfinder and Dancing Queen, but wasn't sure how to include them in the story so I thought, why not just write an interlude in involving them? So I did.

    Next time is the start of Chapter 10 and we get to see what happened to Legacy after her "death".
