Sunday 7 February 2016

Godslayer - Arc 1.3 Solara

Drakvar’s stomach rumbles as he makes his way through the streets. He only had enough to feed one person and since he let the young Jordis have the food, Drakvar desperately needs more food and he needs it soon.

I don’t think that I am starving quite yet, but it won’t be long if I don’t way a find a way to feed myself.

Drakvar trudges along the dark street. He fancies his chances of locating food after dark when there are less people about. He doesn’t wish to steal, but Drakvar is getting close to the point that he would be willing to commit immoral actions to survive.

At least if he gets into a fight with the Darklurkers, Drakvar now has the four swords that he took from Jordis’ attackers.

Drakvar flinches, shielding his eyes from the flashes of white light that appear out of nowhere.

Drakvar tries to look for the source, but is temporarily blinded by even more of the white light.

Growling in annoyance Drakvar stumbles backwards, drawing two of his swords. He hears the zap of a laser and moment later, Drakvar is looking into the eyes of a stunned person.

But the person isn’t a Kith. Drakvar can tell that at a glance. This person is made of white light with gold plates of armour built into her body. Her eyes are a bright shining green and the person is stunned. And the person is most definitely a she given her slender and shapely figure.

And most strangely, the person has only two arms and no fur. Well, Drakvar supposes that long tendrils of white light on the person’s head can count as head fur.

Drakvar headbutts the person as they are clearly his attack and is shocked by the results. The face of person disintegrates as its makes contact with Drakvar’s flesh and fur.

Drakvar jerks his head back and stumbles backwards. He breathes a sigh of relief as the face of the person reforms, but that relief is short lived as Drakvar notices that the stunned expression has been replaced with one of anger.

“What are you?” demands Drakvar as he draws his other two swords so all four are drawn.

“I am a Jord Warrior-Spirit of Light,” replies the person in a cheerful and youthful voice, “And you 
will fall to me Farksian.”

“Farksian?” repeats Drakvar, unsure of what the word means.

“Don’t play dumb,” replies the spirit girl, “Well, you are a Farksian so you probably are dumb, but we both know you can’t be that stupid.”

“I really have no idea about what you are talking about,” replies Drakvar dryly.

“Enough chatter!” declares the spirit girl, “You might be able to counter my power, but I can still use my power to affect the environment.”

And with that, Drakvar is blinded by another flash of light. He quickly recovers, but the spirit girl is already gone.

I didn’t even learn her name. And what is a Farksian anyway?

Suddenly several glass windows in buildings around Drakvar shatter outwards and he glances around for the spirit girl as Drakvar is sure that what just happened is her doing.

Beams of bright white light dart through the glass shards and all of a sudden, all the shards fly straight at Drakvar. He shields his eyes with two of his arms so that they don’t get injured.

Drakvar winces in pain as the glass shards cut open his flesh, tearing through fur and skin. Fortunately, the shards don’t seem to be doing any real harm to Drakvar other than inflicting pain upon him.

Now thoroughly annoyed by the actions of spirit girl, Drakvar decides that she is going to be too hard to fight. So he sheathes his swords as he prepares to leave the area.

“Hey!” yells a male Kith voice suddenly, “Dere he is!”

“Let’s get ‘im!” shouts another.

“You won’t get ‘way from us dis time Blackborn!” shouts a third Kith.

With frustrated sigh, Drakvar turns to face the six Darklurkers that are coming down the street towards him. All are armed with improvised melee weapons such as metal poles and planks of wood with nails in.

“Really,” grumbles Drakvar under his breath, “First I have to deal with this warrior spirit and now I have to deal with a bunch of thugs. I doubt they even noticed my swords yet.”

“You’re goin’ down Blackborn,” snarls the closest thug as he charges at Drakvar, wielding a long metal pole in both hands.

Drakvar doesn’t even bother drawing his swords, instead slamming his fist into thug’s gut as the thug swings the pole over his head. With a grunt of pain, the thug drops the pole and doubles over. Drakvar brings his fist down on the thug’s head, sending him to the ground in a heap.

Another thug charges and swings a metal pole of his own into Drakvar’s side, causing him to grunt in pain. Drakvar doubts that such a blow would normally hurt him so much, but he is already injured from the actions of the warrior-spirit.

He punches the second thug away, only to be beset by a third. The Kith has a brutal smile on his face and is wielding a plank of wood with multiple nails sticking out of it. The thug smashes the plank of wood into Drakvar, causing him to drop to his knees.

“I gotcha now,” the thug chuckles grimly as he slams the plank into Drakvar’s head.

Drakvar sways to the side before deciding to stop holding back. He swipes at the legs of the thug attacking him, knocking his opponent off his feet. Now that he is the one with the initiative, Drakvar doesn’t waste any time as he swiftly moves forward and stamps on the face of the third thug.

As the second and the remaining thugs get ready to rush Drakvar, Drakvar decides now is a good time to draw his swords.

With one swift motion, Drakvar draws all four of his swords and the thugs all halt in their tracks at the sudden sight of the black blades.

“Still wish to face me?” inquires Drakvar as he steps towards the now scared Darklurkers.

“N-n-no!” replies one of the thugs before joining his fellows as they turn and run.

Drakvar sighs and sheathes his swords.

And now I have to return to my original task of find some food for Jordis and me.

1 comment:

  1. So more of Drakvar's story. Arc One is of Godslayer is more about gathering the major players in the story together. Solara is technically lying here about what she is here. What she actually is, well, I don't want to spoil it, but she can be considered Ceta's granddaughter and Ceta certainly considers her to be such.

    Anyway, next time on Godslayer, Drakvar finds out about Jordis' connection with Solara and meets Valen.
